The saying “You are what you eat” isn’t entirely true – we don’t look like a plate or veges or a bag of chips. However, we do REFLECT what we eat, what we drink and what we do physically – whether that be now or in the future. There are some people who appear to “get away” with eating (and/or drinking) unhealthy as they don’t gain weight, but what is visible is not the whole picture! Think about the reality of what is actually going on inside the organs, cells, joints, etc. What is poor nutrition actually doing to the body? It is highly likely to come back as some kind of illness sooner or later.

If you think of the body as a machine (which it kind of is), it makes sense to put the correct fuel into it and to maintain it well in order to have it run smoothly and last longer.

Each person’s body is unique – with it’s own optimal functions, requirements and reactions to what it is being fed. However, keeping to the basics of simple and “clean” eating will suit most bodies. I was recently asked to sum up clean eating, my response – keep it simple and natural.


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